Saturday, August 22, 2009

House pictures...finally

We are finally settled in for the most part (after 6 weeks!) and I decided that it was time to post pictures of our new home. The walls hardly have any pictures or decorations but I guess that will just have to wait until we have time.

Living Room

Living Room 2nd view

Dinning Room-We have a table but no chairs! We lost them in one of the three moves we made. We are currently looking for a new one. For now, we just eat at the counter and sit on bar stools.

Rob's awesome Laundry Room-This was the only color he HAD to have in the whole house, a yellow laundry room. I think it turned out great.


Kitchen 2nd view- It is so nice to have room to actually move around and cook.

Upstairs Bathroom

Guest Bedroom


Master Bathroom

Master Bedroom

Master Bedroom 2nd view-This is my sanctuary and favorite room in the whole house.

We repainted the whole house ourselves with some help from Rusty, Rob's boss. I thinks the colors really turned out well. I am sure lucky to have a husband who builds houses for a living. He did a lot of work on the house before we moved in. After four years of college housing this is heaven to us...


  1. Your home looks AWESOME!! I have to say I love the laundry room, yellow is such a happy color. Looks great guys ;0)

  2. Love it!! Looks nice and cozy.

  3. we are happy for you! looks like a great place. Heaven is where your heart is!
