Friday, June 26, 2009

A Mouse in the House!

I was officially traumatized in our new house for the first time. Two nights ago we were in the garage looking at the stair rail that Rob had just repainted when suddenly I saw something scurry out from under a box. I thought my eyes had played a trick on me. Before I could help it I was screaming like a 12 year-old school girl and running across the garage. Sure enough, there was a tiny little mouse in our garage. Rob was so confused as to why I was screaming until I told him where to look for the mouse and he saw it too. Luckily, he was my night in shining armor and chased after the poor thing with the extended paint roller poll and finally put it out of its misery. I hate mice! The garage is sealed up super tight and so the only way that we can figure that it got in was when we had the garage door up when Rob was cutting wood for our new closet. YUCK! Afterwords, Rob just laughed at me. I'll admit I am a little embarrassed that I am such a sissy when it comes to rodents...

In other news...moving day has finally arrived! We are moving into our house tomorrow. Although it will be a long and tiring day I am so excited!


  1. Hey! I don't blame you! Rodents are disgusting little creatures. You would think I would have gained a better respect for them after the numerous ones I had to poke and prode at in my biology classes... but NOPE! They are still gross, especially if they are alive!

  2. Ok I have to admitt... I am pretty sure I would have paid money to see your screaming fit. They are sooooo grose I hate them. Hopefully that was your first and last rodent experience in your new home.

  3. Holy hell you are funnnnyyyy!! I along with Lori would have loved to see the screaming fit. Welcome to the country, use barbate from the Coop it works great!

  4. fear can be good... hope you can keep them out now you discovered them! I do not like them either!
